
On 27-28 September 2022, the Geothermal Lithium Networking Event was organized as part of the BrineRIS project in Wrocław. It was the first meeting of its kind in Poland. It focused on recovering critical materials (especially lithium) from geothermal brines in Europe and worldwide. The conference addressed the use of lithium, its relevance in the world around us, its occurrence in varied natural sources, and recovery technologies.
Thanks to the hybrid formula of the event, it was attended by more than 50 participants worldwide, including New Zealand (Lucjan Sajkowski from GNS and Isabela Alves de Castro from Geo40) and Canada (Salman Safari from Recion Technologies). The participants represented 25 institutions related to the recovery and application of critical minerals, geothermal, or related topics. Twenty-four speeches were given, and ten posters were presented during the meeting. Participants could exchange knowledge and experiences and actively discuss during the social part of the program.

If you are interested in the speeches of our guests, they will soon be available on our YouTube channel. Videos on the channel will appear regularly

Presentations from the event to download